Below, please indicate the amount you would like to pay. You may choose to make a one-time payment or a recurring payment. Whether you are making a one-time payment or recurring payment, please reference your signed Family Financial Agreement to ensure that your payments will meet the required payment schedule provided by your chapter.
If you are choosing to set up a recurring payment, you may choose: the recurring period, the day you would like your payment processed, and how many pay periods you would like to set up.
If you choose to make an ongoing payment, please be advised that you must email [email protected] to cancel this ongoing payment.
After determining your payment schedule, please enter the first and last name of the volunteer for which the payment is being made. You will then be prompted to enter your name, email address, and card information.
Once your payment is processed, it will show on your statement as Amigos de las Américas East Bay. For any questions on this process, please contact your Chapter Treasurer at [email protected] or email [email protected].